Lab Matters Fall 2019 | Page 27

FROM THE BENCH As the clinical diagnostics industry moves away from isolates toward genomics, we need to change our surveillance so that we can be prepared for an era when there are no more isolates. One way to do that is to develop genomics-based testing on the public health side.” • Engage your quality assurance officer early in the process to help identify relevant metrics. Kristy Kubota, MPH First Steps Matluk was tasked with finding a process that would provide the most functionality given the lab’s size, expertise and resources. Procuring the next-generation sequencer was one of the first hurdles. The group was able to buy the equipment using Epidemiology and Lab Capacity funds, but the state purchasing process took nearly a year. Training on the new wet lab protocols was relatively straightforward for the laboratory staff, he said, but the in silico methods posed a somewhat larger challenge. “We don’t have a dedicated bioinformatician or dedicated IT staff,” Matluk said. “So I really need a nice, easy, graphical user interface that looks like any other web application or computer program that you can easily write CLIA- validated protocols for. ‘Click the upload button, click the workflow button’ is much easier to write into a CLIA protocol than command line code.” After considerable research, he chose Qiagen’s CLCbio software as the lab’s primary bioinformatics platform, which has worked well for in-house analyses. It is fast, user-friendly, and Matluk likes that he can develop and preset metrics, then lock the workflows for quality assurance (QA) purposes. Choosing and setting those QA metrics was the most critical and time-consuming step. “We went from knowing nothing to trying to learn a lot, so I spent the better part of about six months just figuring out what we wanted to monitor, how to monitor and what actions to take when certain metrics were failed,” Matluk said. PublicHealthLabs Nicholas Matluk shares some advice for other groups starting out: @APHL Once the metrics were set, CLIA validation took about four months of work time, which the staff spread over the course of a year to fit alongside full-time PFGE work. To streamline the process, they validated the wet bench and in silico components separately and focused on validating the protocols against their existing databases of bacterial sequences rather than against individual genes. Overall the process has gone smoothly, Matluk said, with the backing of the lab director and state infectious disease epidemiologists. He also needed buy-in from the state Office of Information Technology for assistance procuring the needed computer equipment and developing security protocols for connecting to networks to upload and download information. Three years since starting the transition, the Maine lab now has four employees PulseNet-certified on six organisms for sequencing, QA/QC metrics and reporting out results. Broader Impacts With several WGS protocols now validated, the Maine group has found that they can explore more questions than they did with PFGE. In addition to species identification, they perform in silico serology for several strains and multilocus sequencing typing, as well as analysis for antibiotic resistance genes and virulence factors. They have also validated their WGS protocols and some in silico pathways for healthcare-associated infections, antibiotic resistance genes and phylogenetic tree analysis using single nucleotide polymorphisms. “Once you have the sequence data, you can pretty much use it however you want as long as you have that workflow • Have at least two or three points of failsafe data backup. • Engage your epidemiologists to determine which testing methods can be replaced by whole-genome sequencing and which should not to ensure actionable infection control. • Engage your LIMS administrators to help develop lab reports. or pathway validated,” Matluk said. For example, the phylogenetic tree analysis has helped with cluster outbreak analysis, while an incidental findings protocol, modeled after one developed by the American College of Medical Genetics, reports out findings of interest—such as specific genes or plasmids, or certain resistance patterns—that were not part of the immediate analysis but may inform larger investigations. The additional information Maine and other labs are generating with WGS is especially valuable for national surveillance efforts through PulseNet, Kubota said. Sevinsky sees WGS as a step within an even bigger transition to using metagenomics-based tests in public health. WGS databases could allow direct querying of a specimen from a patient to get faster and more complete answers: Is the organism related to a cluster? Does it have specific antimicrobial resistance or virulence factors? “That’s still a couple years in the future,” Sevinsky said. “But the work that we’re doing right now with whole- genome sequencing is going to lay the foundation for the next generation of metagenomics.” n Fall 2019 LAB MATTERS 25