Lab Matters Fall 2019 | Page 22

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Resources for Rapid Response to Water Contamination Incidents By Yasmin Termeh-Zonoozi, MPH, ORISE research participant, Water Laboratory Alliance, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency On November 13-14, 2019, water sector stakeholders convened at the WLA Security Summit in Atlanta to network, exchange best practices and lessons learned and participate in sessions, including a tabletop exercise and a panel discussion led by state laboratories on topics in the water sector. Because a drinking water contamination event can occur at any time, the water sector must be able to respond effectively and efficiently to contamination incidents with sample surges or unknown contaminants. The US Environmental Protection Agency’s Water Laboratory Alliance (WLA) assists the water sector in preparing and responding to water contamination events that may require analysis exceeding local capability or capacity. The nationwide network brings together over 140 state, utility, public health, environmental and commercial laboratories that are able to analyze water samples for chemical, biological or radiochemical contaminants. WLA offers a variety of free tools and resources to strengthen water sector preparedness and decrease response times. Examples include: Water Laboratory Response Plan (WLA-RP): a comprehensive approach to responding to water contamination incidents, from multi-regional events to those involving a single laboratory. WLA-RP provides laboratories with access to analytical best practices and lessons learned and helps facilitate communication among 20 LAB MATTERS Fall 2019 key stakeholders. Appendix C contains a checklist of items to be discussed by the Analytical Services Requestor and supporting laboratories. Analytical Preparedness Full Scale Exercise (AP-FSE) Toolkit: an interactive PDF that allows users to practice implementation of WLA-RP and other response efforts as though an incident were occurring in real time. The Toolkit guides users through planning and executing a full-scale exercise in 10 steps. It includes scenarios with associated exercises that can be used as-is or customized. Compendium of Environmental Testing Laboratories: a secure, online database of environmental laboratories with the capacity to analyze chemical, biological and radiochemical contaminants. Users can search for laboratories based on location, name, type, analytical capabilities and special sample handling. n DIGITAL EXTRA: Visit the WLA Training Center to learn more about WLA resources and trainings. Water Contaminant Information Tool (WCIT): a secure, online database of information on over 800 priority contaminants of concern for drinking water and wastewater systems. It contains contaminant profiles with detailed information on fate and transport, physical properties, potential health effects and infrastructure decontamination. WCIT also includes more than 200 analytical methods and provides information on collecting field samples and analyses of unregulated contaminants. PublicHealthLabs @APHL