Lab Matters Fall 2017 | Page 32

public health preparedness and response Identifying the Missing Link for BSOs: Leadership by Sean Page, associate specialist, Public Health Preparedness and Response For biosafety officials/officers (BSOs), leadership is viewed as a two-pronged issue. As the designated biosafety expert for their public health laboratory, they are expected to address internal biosafety risks and gain personnel buy-in to establish and maintain positive biosafety culture. In addition, they are expected to perform sentinel clinical outreach for their respective state or territory. APHL is helping to bridge the gap between technical knowledge and leadership skills through a new leadership workshop available to BSOs nationwide. Establishing Relationships Because BSOs serve as unsolicited consultants for clients with varying knowledge of biosafety, outreach to sentinel clinical outreach can present a unique challenge. BSOs may encounter obstacles in establishing relationships with laboratories. These include: 1. Securing approval from top leadership 2. Identifying the number of sentinel clinical laboratories in the state 4. Reaching distant laboratories in large states 5. Finding a mutually convenient time to perform site visits. With so many factors working against them, many BSOs have struggled to gain buy-in from the sentinel clinical laboratories they serve, thus reducing the number of laboratories they can reach. APHL has responded to this challenge with a leadership skill-building workshop. The Art of Leadership Developed by APHL’s Biosafety, Public Policy and Workforce Development, the four-day workshop offers skill development sessions on leadership, project management, public policy, communications, training program development and implementation of evaluation measures. Participants leave with an invaluable network and broader skill set that benefits them, their host laboratory and the public health laboratory system. 3. Establishing reliable contacts at the laboratories Three workshops will be held across the US to reach all 62 BSOs by region. The first was held at the Hawaii Department of Health State Laboratories Division September 22-29. Invited participants included biosafety officers of the Pacific Islands as well as sentinel clinicians from Hawaii. During the four-day workshop, there were several group interactive and didactic exercises, including Exemplary Leadership/MICEE, Affinity exercise, and Single Override Communication Objective (SOCO). By the end of the week, attendees expressed they were leaving the workshop with more confidence, new communication and leadership tools to bring back to their lab staff, and a fresh understanding of effective communication, persuasion and connecting stakeholders under the mission of upholding biosafety and biosecurity practices. n top: Biosafety offic ers and sentinel clinical laboratorians collaborating on the Affinity Exercise, a brainstorming activity bottom: Participants learn how to develop and deliver a tailored message through interviews. Attendees and instructors of the Biosafety Leadership Workshop: Pacific Islands at the Hawaii Department of Health,State Laboratories Division. 30 LAB MATTERS Summer 2017 PublicHealthLabs @APHL