laaradavis Love Commands

Love Commands Step Two : Establish your objective . Obviously it is a love letter so you want her to feel loved , so that should be an overriding objective of your letter but in what way or style do you want to convey that love . That ' s what you are trying to identify here . What do you want the outcome of your letter to be ? A laugh ? A smile ? Happy crying ? This will dictate how you craft your letter . Estimated time : 2 minutes .
Step Three : Identify memories with her that correspond to your objective . Are you trying to make her laugh ? Then share a story or two that shows you love her but were really funny . Maybe you tried to do something sweet once and she , unknowingly , foiled your plans . That has happened to me more than once . Regardless of what your objective is think of a memory or two that compliments it . It will make the letter more personal and show you care . Estimated time : 5 minutes . Step Four : Write the letter . Begin by stating your objective in the letter , kind of like your thesis statement from your
English classes , which you established in Step Two . Do it sweetly adding lots of kind adjectives about her ( see my list of suggested adjectives at the end of this article ). Share the memories you identified in Step Three . Explain why these memories are important and how they helped your love grow and mature . Thank her for allowing you to love her . Thank her for anything else that you feel prompted to thank her for . Estimated time : 7 minutes .