La Medicina La medicina | Page 5


For what we need the medicine?

Analyzing all the sciences in a generalized way, we have that the first fundamental step is the Observation, setting for it a particular Study Object and analyzing at first its general characteristics, performing an Extrinsic Analysis to be able then to look at more detailed details and specific, that allow us to arrive at an Intrinsic Review, detailed and that takes us from the general to the particular, without deviating from the essence of this object to be analyzed.

It is later when we come to the elaboration of a hypothesis, which consists of the formulation of a statement that affirms or predicts what will happen when an object of study is submitted to an External Stimulus, this assertion can be confirmed by the application of an Experimental Method that is also associated with a systematization that guarantees its repetition without leaving anything left to chance.

Among the different sciences that are developed today one of the most important for everyday life is Medicine, whose essential and general purpose is in the healing of the different Health Disorders that manifest themselves in different ways, as well as contemplating everything related to the Prevention of Diseases, taking as an object of study the Human Being and deriving from it the different branches that deal with specific topics.

As it is a science it is necessary to have its method, and it is precisely the first step of it the Diagnosis, which consists of the set of techniques combined with the application of Medical Technology that allow to collect and analyze the set of Clinical Symptoms that manifest a patient, who will attend or be transferred to a Medical Visit to be reviewed and analyzed in particular by the different specialists.

In this way, it is established not only what disease is afflicting the subject, or what is the condition that is present, but also seeks to make a complete description of the symptoms that are manifested and observed or that the same subject Indicate, what allows to elaborate an estimate based on the table that presents a possible solution to the problem, known as Medical Treatment.