La Medicina La medicina | Page 4

What is the medicine?

The history of medicine is the branch of history dedicated to the study of medical knowledge and practices over time.

From its origins, the human being has tried to explain the reality and the transcendental events that take place in it, such as life, death or illness. Medicine had its beginnings in prehistory, which also has its own field of study known as medical anthropology. Plants, minerals and parts of animals were used, in most of the times these substances were used in magical rituals by shamans, priests, magicians, sorcerers, animists, spiritualists or fortune tellers.2 The first civilizations and human cultures based their medical practice in two apparently opposite pillars: a primitive and pragmatic empiricism (applied fundamentally to the use of herbs or remedies obtained from nature) and a magico-religious medicine, which resorted to the gods to try to understand the inexplicable.