La Gran América Newspaper Vol Número 4, December,2008 | Page 13

13 / CULTURE visite nuestra página web Diciembre 01, 2008 ENGLISH Philosophies On Laugher In Di?erent Cultures By: Paola Janeth Pena Laughing is natural, in fact after 36 hours of being born a baby can o?er a smile to its parents. Children are more prone to laughter than adults; a child can laugh approximately 300 times a day, while an adult only laughs about ?fteen to a hundred times. Some Hindu books speak of meditation with laughter because it is a technique based on one’s inner self, it is a way to get to know ourselves internally, that helps us become more conscious of the world. In India Mystic Rose meditation is promoted and consists of nine days with three daily hours of laughter. There is a particular Buddhist school that teaches techniques in walk smiling, and claims it is more bene?cial than meditation. There is a Hindu believe that assures that an hour of laughter has more bene?cial e?ects for the body than four hours of yoga. The most popular and developed towns have a sense of humor as is the case of the Jewish town. The Chinese philosopher of Tao also practices laughter. An old Chinese advice states to be healthier, one must laugh 30 times a day, experts af?rm that three times a day is enough as long as it is for more than one minute each day. “Laughter is something true and disintoxicating, moral that is able to heal the body at least help tune out our body’s major problems. And in fact there is no harm if one overcomes the doses,” William Fray United States Neurologist. Although it has always been known that a sense of humor in?uences in the recuperation of sick children, it was until after the 70’s that the laughter therapy received a de?nite push with the famous case of Norman Cousins; a very important executive of New York known for his critics and editing of the Saturday Review, who in the 1950’s was diagnosed with Espondolitis Anquilosante (extremely painful spinal arthritis) which left him convalescing. Cousins fell into a major depression; the more depressed he became his state and pain worsened until it became unbearable. The doctors told him that a little happiness would do him well. That is how he was began to watch many comedy movies, as soon as he started watching them he bursted out into laughter and felt better. That is how he discovered that ten Filoso?as De La Risa En Distintas Culturas Por: Paola Janeth Pena Reír es natural, de hecho un bebe a las 36 horas de nacido puede ofrecer una sonrisa a sus padres. Los niños están mucho más dispuestos a reírse que los adultos. Un pequeño se ríe un promedio de 300 veces al día; mientras que un adulto lo hace entre quince y cien. Algunos libros hindúes hablan de Meditación con risa porque es una técnica basada en sí mismo, es un medio para conocerse internamente que ayuda a estar mas consiente del mundo. En la India se promueve la meditación de La Rosa Mística. Cual consiste en nueve días con tres horas diarias de risa. Cierta escuela Budista ensena técnicas para caminar sonriendo y dice que es algo más bene?cioso que la meditación. Hay una creencia Hindú que asegura que una hora de risa tiene efec ??p?\??[?{? X?[????\?H[?Y\??]YH?X]???\?H[??K???YX???p?\?\??Y?ZY??Y[?[?[??[?Y?[?[[?]^H\?\???Y?H\?H\?[?\??[YX???Y0?[?H?[????XH?[?H[?[?[X?p?[??X?X?HH?\?K?[??YZ?????Z???[??X?H]YH\?H\?\??[??^B?]YH?p?\? ??X?\?[0?XN?[?\?X????^\???{? \?X[?]YH???\??X?\?[0?XH\??{? 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