- 2019 Loggers Baseball -
The Instigators of Fun
Louie Lumberjack
After his long hard days of chopping and logging wood, Louie
will be joining us for some fun at the Ballpark! Louie has
been a Logger for over 25 years while spending most of his
time in the Midwest region. Louie loves logging but even
more than logging he loves Loggers Baseball Games! When
Louie is not logging or cheering on your Loggers team he
enjoys taking Logger Dog and volunteering his time to local
charities, visiting schools, and participating in community
functions. Louie loves high fi ves and pictures so don’t be
afraid to go give him a high fi ve or take a picture with him.
Louie’s birthday is August 7th.
Louie’s Favorites:
Song: “Louie, Louie”
Food: Logger Dogs
Drink: Rootbeer
Color: Logger Green
Sport: Baseball
Movie: Field of Dreams
Number: #1
Phrase: “Loggers Win”
Logger Dog
Now that the Logger Dog has found a home here with Louie
and the Loggers in the Lumber Yard he loves it! An avid lover
of the game fetch, Logger Dog can often be found down on
the fi eld begging to shag balls during batting practice and
wrestling the wooden bats out of the player’s hands. You will
also fi nd him snooping around the concession stand looking
for his favorite treat. What is that you ask? It’s a Logger Dog
of course! Logger Dog Loves to give fi ves and if you scratch
him in his favorite spot, right behind his ears, there’s a good
chance you’ll even get a hug! When Logger Dog is not at the
Lumber Yard he enjoys volunteering his time to local chari-
ties, visiting schools, and participating in the community with
Louie. So be sure to stop and say hello to the Logger Dog for
he sure would like to meet you!
Logger Dog’s Favorites:
Song: “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” Sport: Baseball fetch
Food: Logger Dogs
Movie: The Sandlot
Drink: Rootbeer Floats in a bowl Number: #1
Color: Logger Green
- Roll Logs -