LA Contractor Connection Spring 2023 | Page 18

Private library for home in Beverly Hills
and public works sector was not easy . “ There is so much more that goes into bidding , being awarded a job and executing that job ,” Beth points out . “ You have to learn the commercial construction processes , procedures and expectations . There are many more considerations on multiple levels , such as compliance , ADA requirements , prevailing wage and certified payroll software systems .”
In June 2022 , Adam and Beth attended a networking event at SoFi Stadium , where they met Merriwether & Williams Insurance Services ’( MWIS ’) Rick Casillas , Jr ., who learned about their business needs , including bonding and funding , and told them about the services available through the Los Angeles regional Contractor Development and Bonding Program ( CDABP ). They were also put in touch with John Miller , manager of MWIS ’
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