LA CIVETTA May 2017 | Page 14

The end of term saw a flurry of festivities and events, one of which was the Annual School of Modern Languages quiz held at the Victoria Rooms. It was a fantastic multicultural night; a collage of flags peppered the bar, the bustling Italians Valeria, Sonia and Vera gathered and counted - uno, due, tre,... - a moment of silence as the crackling old speaker was brought back to life, then 99 luftballons of laughter rang out, as a field of bemused faces quarreled over whose answer was right.

The night started young, with expectant students hanging around, but as the troops gathered in, the competition began. This was no ordinary quiz - then again, these were no ordinary students. Each new section brought on a bigger challenge, each question getting more absurd by the minute; ‘Where did the deer go after the iron curtain fell?’, ‘Was it the tomato or the olive?’, ‘How come I don’t know this?’, and ‘What does a rooster sound like in Portuguese?!’ Then came the mystery round…!

But there was finally a winner, several in fact. And across the floor, a supply of Amazon vouchers was handed out. For those who came, thank you for coming. We’ll be back next year with an even more exciting night! So return for some more delicious ptichye moloko, a little bit of culture and, of course, those bamboozling quiz questions.