LA CIVETTA May 2015 | Page 55

When? Monday-Saturday

Where? Streets surrounding Palazzo Reale

This century-old market is packed full of stalls featuring as much in-season produce as you can imagine: fruit, vegetables, meat, spices... Whether you go to grocery shop, or simply to enjoy the spectacle (it certainly has a grittier edge than others on this list), the incredible local street food will keep you going.

Photography: Michael Clarke stuff - Flickr

When? Tuesday-Saturday, 7am-2pm

Where? Campo della Pescaria, San Polo

Located in the Campo della Pescaria, this market is full of fishermen unloading their fresh catches straight from the water. It is best to arrive early to get the best fish, before it is nabbed by savvier, local shoppers. As with many fish markets and shops, this market is closed Sundays and Mondays, so avoid eating fish in restaurants on Mondays as it is unlikely to be all that fresh.

Photography: Eric Parker - Flickr


BallarĂ² market, Palermo

Rialto fish market, Venice