It is with great sadness that we report the death of one of our students.
At this time, our thoughts are with her family and everyone who knew and loved Elsa. Her loss is immense and difficult to comprehend at this point in time. Elsa was a brilliant scholar of Italian and French but above all a hugely popular, respected and cherished young woman who had already achieved a great deal and whose potential was enormous.
The news of Elsa’s passing coincided with this issue going to print. She was on her Year Abroad and had worked until January for the Trieste Film Festival, which we are featuring in this issue. Everyone who met her and worked with her - not least in her role as Chair of Club Italia in her second year - will remember her as an exceptional and extremely talented person.
Non ci sono parole che possano esprimere la tristezza e il senso di smarrimento che proviamo in questo momento. Tutto lo staff del Dipartimento, gli studenti e i collaboratori de La Civetta si stringono alla famiglia in un abbraccio commosso in ricordo di una delle nostre migliori studentesse.
La copertina della rivista è listata a lutto in segno di rispetto. Nel prossimo numero intendiamo ricordare Elsa in modo più ampio, con testimonianze di chi l’ha conosciuta e le ha voluto bene.