LA CIVETTA March 2015 | Page 9


Hello everyone,

The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer, which can only mean that spring is finally here. To help get everyone into the spirit, our staff have been hard at work preparing recipes, travel and festival recommendations and more, all with a spring theme to them. Ahead of our event with him on March 18th, we also have a fascinating exclusive interview with renowned author and mafia historian John Dickie. This interview – In the culture section – is the first time we have incorporated audio media into the magazine. Sticking with the audio theme, we have gathered together a playlist of our editorial team’s favourite music, which you can listen to on our new Spotify account, linked to in the magazine. Finally, you may have noticed the beautiful front cover image is noticeably different from previous issues; it was done specifically for this issue by Ned Darlington – one of our 4th year students.

The arrival of our second semester does mean we are reluctantly saying goodbye to our first-semester Erasmus students. Despite the pressure of January exams and the impending return home, our Italian language editors nonetheless found time to help us edit and put together the magazine. We are dependent on their willingness to help, and they have been wonderfully dedicated throughout. We wish them the best of luck with everything on their return to Italy.

To keep up with La Civetta between issues, you can like our page on Facebook and follow us on twitter @CivettaMagazine.

Our first issue reached over 700 people in 16 countries, which is incredible for such a small student magazine. From all of us, a huge, heartfelt thank you to all of you.

Happy reading,

Sahar Zivan

Issue Four - Spring 2015

Illustration: Alexander Lyubavin - Flickr