LA CIVETTA March 2014 | Page 35

As an engineer Da Vinci conceptualised the idea of a helicopter, a tank, a caluclator, and solar power. The drawings he created for most of his inventions were unable to be translated into reality during his lifetime due to the lack of technology. However, these became very important in later years and they helped to shape modern life. All of his notes add up to 13,000 pages of drawings, observations and scientific ideas. His drawings of anatomy in particular made huge breakthroughs in science and medicine as they were some of the first to ever be recorded. For example, his drawing of a foetus in utero, sex organs, the heart, and muscle structures were the first of their kind.

Da Vinci died from old age in 1519, in Amboise, France. His death was often romanticised by saying that François I held him in his arms as he died. This scene was often painted by artists and loved by the people of France. There were even rumours that François was his lover. Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance era and his influence in modern day life has had a profound impact on us all.

"He was considered to be the idyllic representation of a “Renaissance Man” as he was skilled in many intellectual areas other than art. "