I Collaboratori ___________________________________ 4-5
Lettera della direttrice _____________________________ 6-7
Intervista ad Amir Issaa __________________________ 10-13
Eve Richardson, Sam Dyer, Giada De Luca
Lamerica - a film which attempts to shake Italy back to consciousness ____________________________________ 14
Anni Rees
Paola Egonu: Italy's Most Under-Appreciated Sporting Talent _____________________________________________ 15-17
Bruno Quinney
Il Commissario Montalbano: La simpatia per gli immigrati ______________________________________________ 18-19
Charlotte Mazzucchi
10 cose che devi fare a Torino _____________________ 22-21
Anna Martin
Italy for Dummies: 10 unwritten rules you need to know before your trip _________________________________ 24-25
Ryan Symons
'I feel like I've just blinked and five months have already gone by': In Conversation with Year Abroad Students ______ 26-29
Bruno Quinney