Grom @ Calle delle Botteghe, 2761, Venezia
Grom Gelato is an Italian chain with stores around the peninsula in major cities, whilst also having international stores in cities including London, Paris and Dubai. The company has been recognised by the AIC, boasting that all products are gluten-free. This doesn’t mean just the base of the ice cream, but even the flavours that might usually seem necessary to avoid! One popular flavour is ‘crema di grom’, a cream-filled gelato with chocolate chips and ‘meliga’ cookies. The cookies are made from corn (meliga), and so are suitable for those on a gluten-free diet. You can also get gluten-free ice cream cones at Grom without paying extra!
Whilst I’ve given a few favourites from Rome and Venice, both Grom Gelateria and Mama Eats! are chains which can be found in several different Italian cities. You can find Mama Eats! in Rome, Naples and Milan. As for gelato, you won’t be short of options, since there’s almost a Grom store in every major city on the peninsula!
It really is possible to follow a gluten-free diet in a European country that relies so heavily on gluten in its everyday cuisine. Believe it or not, Italy is surprisingly aware of food intolerances and over recent years has been able to cater for those with specific allergies. It is always more daunting to trust someone’s words when it is not your mother tongue, yet you can trust that Italian chefs are well-informed on dietary requirements nowadays. If ever there is a hint of doubt, you can rely on the AIC’s list of restaurants which will be suitable to eat in.
Buon appetito!
Polaroid: Flickr/ Nickoncameract
Ally Norris