Interview with
During a tense time at the university, Oli and Eleri sat down with Vera Castiglione off campus to congratulate her on her Wonkhe/Guardian University Award win.
Dr Vera
Students as partners or students as the others?
As Ab Initio students last year, Eleri and I were given the pleasure of having Vera as our first Italian tutor at Bristol. Thanks to her undoubtedly amazing teaching her lessons quickly began to feel like home - and the class like an extended family. A lot of our language and skills classes are similarly inviting at the Uni because of the small groups that make it easy to interact both with each other and with whoever is delivering the lesson, but it was in these classes in particular that I can fondly remember shouting out answers like a six year old because I felt comfortable knowing that Vera cared so much about what we were taking from each one. It was because of this relationship between lecturers and students that she decided to write ‘Students as partners or students as the other?’, an article published on Wonkhe for which she won the Wonkhe University Award in partnership with the Guardian.
From Vera’s point of view as a teacher, she can see how tutors have come to otherise their students. She told us that from this idea she started by thinking about how some of the behaviours that
her colleagues have come to attribute to students apply to them too.
Source: Vera Castiglione