It seems that in the process of translating we move into a different space, in between the two languages, where we can see and understand the perspective of each
All this may be quite obvious to many; for example if you’re a language student already, then you’ve probably come across this problem translating. However, maybe this will serve to highlight an apparent absurdity, which is that sometimes bilingualism – a supposed prerequisite for a translator – can pose more of a problem whenyou’re translating. Especially for some, who have grown up or spent equal amounts of time in more than language and culture, flitting constantly between them, they may appear in one world or the other to be a strange amalgamation, like a linguistic or cultural Picasso work. So for someone who doesn’t have the norms of one language/culture firmly implanted in their way of perceiving the world, being able to tell what ‘sounds natural’ can be difficult.