Kütüphane Bülteni 16. Sayı Kütüphane Haziran Bülteni | Page 4

Kütüphanelerimizden / From Libraries S�z� b�lmem ama ben sabah kahvaltılarında ver�len haşlanmış yumurtaları, kor�dorların kalabalığını, kapakları açık kalmış dolapları, ÇMS'ye sığamayışları, m�saf�rlere sunulan �kramlardan almayı, "�k�nd� öğününde ne vardı?" d�ye ona buna sormayı, köpeğ�m�z Gece'y�, ç�çekler�m�:) arkadaşlarımı, çocuklarımı, ekransız toplantıları, balon salondak� maç uğultusunu, orkestramızı hatta bahçe nöbetler�n� b�le özled�m. Eh… O zaman şarkı söylemek lazım avaz avaz … o zaman şarkı söylemek lazım çığlık çığlığa… yüreğ�n yükü haf�fler belk� b�raz ... O zaman şarkı söylemek lazım avaz avaz :) Hep�n�ze sevg�ler… Pınar Sürenkök Sevg�l� Pınar Hocamıza bülten�m�ze verd�ğ� katkıdan dolayı çok teşekkür eder�z.:) About Days We Stay At Home… March 13th, Fr�day began just l�ke any other day. I entered the school wonder�ng what was for breakfast. You know of course, those who love the�r food, th�nk about �t frequently too. :) Yes there had been talk of a Pandem�c go�ng on for some t�me. ‘It was from Ch�na’, ‘people had been eat�ng bats’, “�t was best to avo�d Ch�nese restaurants’ and so on. But ser�ously, what could happen to us?? Come on, �n th�s age? what could be the worst.??! I then not�ced the concerned, tearful express�ons of some colleagues dear to me. We slumped �nto the l�brary armcha�rs. "Apparently we wont’t be com�ng to school from tomorrow onwards" sa�d one of them. "School w�ll be closed for a wh�le. Educat�on �s be�ng suspended.We are supposed to stay at home.” At t�mes l�ke these, odd thougts flash through the m�nd. Some k�nd of escap�sm I guess. "The flowers” I sa�d, “who w�ll look after and water them?” We left school that day. 73 days later we are st�ll at home. "Well, we accepted our fate, f�t a whole l�fe �nto the conf�nes of our homes and each of us �n turn, became the protagon�sts of our own quarant�ne tales, l�v�ng through th�s per�od. Well, I don't know how you feel or what you have m�ssed, but I m�ss even the bo�led eggs at breakfast, the crowded corr�dors, the overcrowded ÇMS, the cupboards left open, n�ck�ng treats served to guests dur�ng the sem�nars, ask�ng about afternoon snacks, our dog,Gece, my plants,my students,meet�ngs w�thout screens, the roar of spectators at the games �n the “baloon saloon”, our orchestra and even playground dut�es.. Well then, We have to s�ng and s�ng at the top of our vo�ces. And scream our songs. Then perhaps the burden of our hearts w�ll ease. YES, �t's t�me to s�ng at the top of our vo�ces. Love to you all Pınar Sürenkök Thank you very much for your contr�but�on to our beloved Pınar Teacher. :) Kütüphane E-Bülteni I 2