Kütüphane Bülten 2022 Ocak copy | Page 4

Bizlerden / From Us
Concern Is Educat�onal
“ Anx�ety �s the vert�go of freedom .” says Soren K�erkegaard . The pandem�c per�od has taught us deeply about the soc�al reflect�ons of worry and anx�ety . Every day was spent �n need of accurate �nformat�on , anx�ous and worr�ed w�th the uncerta�nty of what would happen . There was no correct �nformat�on other than be�ng safe by stay�ng at home , and �t was reassur�ng to take refuge �n th�s �nformat�on ..
But the fact that �t was safe to be at home was also annoy�ng and bor�ng for all of us after a wh�le . The phas�ng process �nh�b�ted our need for soc�al�zat�on , wh�ch Maslow also �ncluded �n the Pyram�d of Needs . When I th�nk back to those days , I bel�eve everyone who compla�ns and talks about the negat�ves of l�fe �s so r�ght �n the�r own way . Because tak�ng away your freedom �s the most hurtful th�ng .
A person who cannot f�nd h�s own self becomes unhappy because of not be�ng a dec�s�on maker �n h�s l�fe . As K�erkegaard sa�d , the h�ghest state of freedom �s exper�enced �n the moment of worry and anx�ety . W�th the pandem�c that came at a t�me when we were carry�ng our freedom to the top , worry and anx�ety passed �nto the m�ddle of our l�ves . . Even though I make sentences as �f I were talk�ng about the past , we st�ll cannot f�nd some areas of freedom �n our school l�fe . Because the endless pandem�c st�ll br�ngs anx�ety and worry . The need to l�m�t our freedoms and be sat�sf�ed w�th freedoms appropr�ate to the s�tuat�on rema�ns . So , �s �t easy to have freedom ?
We know the answer to th�s very well . Be�ng free and l�v�ng by feel�ng �t deeply has been one of the most d�ff�cult events �n human h�story .
Therefore , �t w�ll not be easy for us to bu�ld freedom �n the pandem�c , but �t seems that �t w�ll not cease to be the most des�red th�ng . The only valuable th�ng we understood �n the return to l�fe and back to school after the pandem�c was the �mportance of be�ng free . Gett�ng educat�on freely , com�ng to school freely , soc�al�z�ng freely … All of them were very valuable and the�r value was understood aga�n .
It seems very soon that our students and we w�ll rega�n our freedom w�th our trust �n our m�nds and w�th the help of sc�ence , and w�th what we produce . The anx�ety brought by the pandem�c w�ll only rema�n as an exper�ence that teaches us to cla�m our freedom .
Fulya C�velek - Ph�losophy Teacher
Thanks to our beloved Fulya Teacher … :)
Kütüphane E-Bülteni l 2