KWG Magazine September 2016 2 | Page 9


finding innovative ways to produce a product , render a service or sell , key word is innovation to remain competitive . Equity , I am convinced that every single enterprise rises and falls depending on its ability to raise and keep equity . In SA , it is not the ideas we lack , but money to implement ideas . Find innovative ways to raise equity . Increased sales is one way of raising equity , but scaling up , one usually needs a little more . Managing Cost , everything else that happens outside the spectrum of ( Innovation and Equity ), is a cost . Every time you don ’ t manage / optimise cost , there isn ’ t enough innovation and equity that can keep one in business .
Please provide a brief summary of your business ( including how long it has existed , what it does , etc .)
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Muma architecture , construction and property development started in 2006 , as a design and home building company . We used our architectural skills to entice clients to give us construction contracts for their home building , by offering free architectural services . We grew in competence and formed a property development arm in 2007 by partnering with CorpMD consulting to form CoMu properties . Then I resigned in 2010 to form an inherent property development arm called Muma Property Investments , which is in line with our long term vision of building the brand Muma , bringing with it an equity partner , Mr . Contrast Nemvumoni . Today , Muma is part of a Be-more group of companies which offers a closely linked compendium of services including the following : Architectural design and consulting ; Construction , mainly home building ; Property development consulting , including :
feasibility studies and development funding applications Project Management Property development Property management , which is
headed by my wife Portia
� Cleaning and security services , which is headed by one of our oldest employees , Mpho Munyai ( focusing only on our own developments at the moments ); and a
� Structural and civil engineering through a sister company , headed by Contrast .
As Muma , we are able to inherently procure , package and develop a property development opportunity only short of a quantity surveyor within the built environment .
What has been the greatest highlight or achievement to date of your business ? We could not have asked for a better way to celebrate 10 years of excellence than to get recognition through the following awards : Winner of the “ Best Improved Client ” 2016 by the Gauteng Department of Human Settlement ( GDoH ) and the Gauteng Partnership Fund ( GPF ), 1 st runner up for the “ Tshwane Business Awards ” 2015 .
Share with us a low point in your business or mistakes that had an impact on your business and what did you learn from them ?
September 2016
In 2012 , my wife and I decided to build our home and hoped to still be able to continue doing business . We found ourselves too far stretched for cash to the point where we were stuck . That experience brought us together as a couple , making decisions together , praying more together and stretching us to new levels of tolerance and humility that we did not know existed in us . The greatest lesson was how all we have is each other in Christ first because ; people will disappoint you at crucial life changing experiences .
When and where did you meet ?
We met for the first time on the 15 th of March 2009 at a church where we both used to fellowship .
How did you know that she is the one ?
Wife : If there is anything like love at first sight , we believe we experienced it . We had a small basic talk , where we both left a mark in each other ’ s hearts and the rest is history . Husband : After a brief chat , I told my friends “ you see that girl , that ’ s my future wife ” pointing at Portia as she was walking away , they both laughed with that “ show us what you have Dandy and stop talking ”. Our readiness to engage in a life-time commitment also played a big role in getting us together .
How do you balance business and family ?
With both our schedules very busy , we had to make a conscious decision to make time for our family . When we are at home , we try to cut down on things like TV and social media so that we can have personal time with the kids and each other . We also follow a routine in the house , so the kids know that 8:30pm is sleeping time , and then we can also have some quite time to reflect on the day .