KWETB Bray Brochure - Final Draft 3

Bray Institute of Further Education
Bray Adult Guidance Service
The Adult Guidance and Information Service in Bray
offers the following free of charge :
Bray Institute of Further Education offers PLC courses - full-time , intensive , one-year programmes . These programmes are designed to prepare students for entry level employment or progression to further study .
Fees may apply , but please contact the Institute for more information . Some participants may be eligible for a Maintenance grant which is awarded by SUSI .
Where to find us
Bray Institute of Further Education Novara Avenue Bray County Wicklow A98 ND89
Get in touch
Principal : Ray Tedders Tel : ( 01 ) 282 9668 Email : bifeenquiries @ kwetb . ie Website : www . bife . ie
One-to-one career / education guidance to help people make informed life choices Information on all local and national courses CV preparation and interview skills Student application procedures for colleges Information and advice on education grants , rights and entitlements
We provide a free , professional , impartial career guidance and information service to all adults , prioritising those who are currently not in employment .
Where to find us
Bray Adult Guidance Service 1 Brennan ' s Parade Bray County Wicklow A98 D9X0
Get in touch
Coordinator : Catherine Greene Tel : ( 01 ) 276 4638 Email : guidancebray @ kwetb . ie Website : www . kwetbguidanceservice . ie


@ brayinstitutefe
the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as
part of the ESF Programme for Employability , Inclusion
and Learning 2014-2020 .