KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 May Issue Vol. 0515 | Page 20

Liberian Literary Magazine Promoting Liberian literature , Arts and Culture
Is there a message in your book that you want your readers to grasp ?
I once said this as a definition of the United States of America but this is in fact life itself . Yes , life in general has a lot of honey , but there are also a lot of bees . No matter what , focus on the honey . The bees are the negatives and the honey is the positives . Never give up on that honey . You can not only taste it but you can maybe one day be a part of the process of making it and owning more than you bargained for . This is if only you keep looking up and moving forward .
Is there anything else you would like readers to know about your book ?
Yes , it makes you see yourself a bit differently and may be a mirror on your journey . In some way , a reminder for you to keep on moving forward . Be on a forward march ; never look back in spite of the odds . In some way my book is sort of like an alarm clock also . It keeps you awake and alert and ready to and continue to “ Believe ”.
Do you have any advice for other writers ?
Be encouraged , dream big , stay humble . You are a possibility of success ,
you are great within you , dig it out , find it , treasure it , believe it .
What book [ s ] are you reading now ? Or recently read ?
Books about African- American trailblazers .
Tell us your latest news ,
promotions ,
tours ,
launch etc .
I am now a contributor of Kwee Magazine please look for my segment entitled “ Aken-bai ’ s-A flow of thoughts ” and stay tuned . Please check out my newly updated Facebook page
www . facebook . com / inspi rewithlove
What are your current projects ?
I am working on my second play and it should be completed next year .
Have you read book [ s ] by [ a ] Liberian author [ s ] or about Liberia ?
Yes , I read a bit of my Mother ’ s book “ Family Life in Lofa County ” by Nester H . Duncan . A bit of Helene Cooper ’ s book at well entitled ” The House on Sugar Beach ”.
Any last words ?
Yes , be true to you that happens before you can be true to anyone else . Aken V . Wariebi is doing a reading on July 17th , 2016 2pm to 3:30pm