KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 May Issue Vol. 0515 | Página 10

Liberian Literary Magazine RELIGION/CHURCH! What can I say? I mean what can I really say on this issue? It seems that each time a church folk sinks into the gutter, another gets envious and purposes to do better. By this, they take a pitch deeper in the mud. And trust you me, they don’t disappoint. These people make Hollywood comedians look like child’s play. This would all be funny were there not real people’s lives touched and seriously affected by this tragedy/comedy. As I have said before and will say for the umpteenth time, religion [the church, mosques and places of worship] is arguably the foremost enabler of poverty and corruption in Africa and the developing world. Promoting Liberian literature, Arts and Culture Because of the sentiments attached, many folks wouldn’t say it. They won’t even try discussing the issue. Many aren’t bold to call their ‘men’ and ‘women’ of God out for the trickery they do. Few would dare voice it out. They sit and swallow these insults and abuses until the scales are forcibly jerked from their eyes and then, they go ballistic. But funnily enough, they replace one for an even worse one. At this rate, I fear Christ might find himself returning to another crucifixion. These lots would swear He ain’t the real deal and would ‘recrucify’ him for being an imposter of the Savior and taking away their livelihood. I would not bother listing their ‘atrocities’, trust me. Despite all we know and have seen, there will be staunch defenders and selfappointed executioners ready to take me down. That frightens me not but it saddens me like crazy. Church & Family Tensions So what is my beef this time around? Let me see…. Everything. Since I can’t discuss everything, we will deal with disruption in the family structure and the church’s role in this saga. I’ve always wondered why ‘men of God’ feel it is fine to keep another man’s wife or partner in their service most or all of the 10 time [I don’t mean worship service here]. It never made sense to me. It doesn’t gel that one would feel comfortable having women with families stuck up in prayer meetings, revivals, evangelism etc. they draw up schedules that place everybody else’s spouses on duties but theirs. Are they not aware that these women should be catering to their homes? Or do they not care? A good number of these women come to these churches with a shitload of problems. They are vulnerable, scared and need comfort. Instead, over time, these leaders [wife included many times] begin exacting favors. It starts of small. A special meeting today, a cleanup tomorrow, a cook for some guests… nothing beyond their abilities. Initially, the husbands either didn’t know, didn’t care or preferred to stay the heck away from these women just so they can have peace to continue doing whatever it is they are/were doing [or not doing]. But when it becomes weekly, then homes start to break. There is the Sunday service, Monday meetings, Tuesday choir practice, Wednesday Bible study; Thursday & Saturday re more choir practice sessions. Friday prison ministries and outreach