KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Jan Iss. Vol. 0115 | Page 73

President Sirleaf ’ s New Year ’ s Message
Liberian Literary Magazine
Promoting Liberian Literature , Arts and Culture

President Sirleaf ’ s New Year ’ s Message

Executive Mansion Press Release
Friday , January 15 , 2016
President Sirleaf gives her New Year ’ s Message / Executive Mansion
My fellow Liberians , Good morning ! Today , as we Liberians across this great resilient nation gather with our family and loved ones , I want to wish you a happy and healthy New Year . New Year is always a hopeful moment . As we look back at the end of a very difficult 2014 , we do so with the knowledge that we have the capacity and the commitment to each other to reach out for a better and brighter Liberia .
The people of Liberia have made great personal sacrifices in the fight against this Ebola virus disease . As a result of our sacrifices , the numbers of Ebola cases have declined considerably .
The 16 Ebola Treatment Units including the Monrovia Medical Unit for healthcare workers have only 63 patients as of December 28 ; 42 of which are confirmed cases . Lofa , the former epicenter of the disease , has not reported a case since November 4 . Most of the Southeast , including Grand Gedeh , River Gee and Grand Kru have not reported any confirmed cases in many days although ETUs are being brought online to provide care should cases be found in those counties .
I thank each of you , community leaders , Christian and Moslem Community , our civil society and especially our healthcare workers who have been on the frontline with a passionate endurance to this fight . We also want to thank our bilateral and multilateral partners whose support has made the progress possible .
However , I need to let you know that in the last 21
days we have had 131 new cases of the disease . There are 96 confirmed cases with laboratory tests ; 58 cases
in Montserrado , 20 in Cape Mount , where there is a resurgence and 2 in Nimba where there previously had not been a case for 62 days .
It means that Ebola is still among us . As a result , until and unless we get to zero , we must maintain the same level of intense attention , caution , and prevention practices that helped to get us where we are today .
We must continue to shout loudly through voice and action that Ebola must go because getting rid of Ebola is everybody ’ s business ! As we intensify efforts to move from treatment to prevention ; by focusing on the rebuilding and strengthening of our healthcare system through training , better compensation for doctors and healthcare workers ; through better equipped health facilities and improved road condition and access to these facilities .
We are pleased that we had a peaceful election on December 20 . We congratulate our senators-elect for their victory and ask God ’ s blessings and direction as they prepare or continue to take on the responsibility of national service . We commend the losers for their constructive and peaceful participation in this Victory for Democracy and encourage them to identify other ways in which they can continue to serve their country .
The National Elections Commission deserves our praise for the efficient organization and arrangement of the process . We recognize the role of all political parties , independent candidates , observers , civil society organizations , the media , representatives of the competing interests at the various precincts for their contribution to the process .
We want to pay tribute to our gallant men and
women serving in our various state security apparatuses for their loyalty , devotion and commitment to ensure law and order during the entire campaign period and on Election Day . They gave to their country as they had sworn to do so diligently . We appreciate and acknowledge their service to the call of duty .
Although imperfect , the successful results of the polls serve as concrete example to our sub-region , to Africa and the rest of the world that Liberia , a long way from the past , is now symbolizing the first steps of a journey toward democratic maturity .
As we start this New Year , let us begin anew , putting old habits , old grievances and old differences behind us . Let us carry the torch of reconciliation and compromise . It is my prayer that God will guide us in these pursuits .
Have a happy and prosperous New Year . God bless Liberia and save the State .