Herbert Logerie
Liberian Literary Magazine Promoting Liberian Literature , Arts and Culture
Herbert Logerie
My Pen Is Weeping Blood
My pen is mourning the agonies and the sufferings Of my people , who are drowning in the sea of misery . My keyboard ' strokes are shadowing the slow rhythms Of the wandering beggar , who ' s lost in the sanctuary .
My voice denounces the filthy cholera and the injustices , Which are punishing the weakest souls of the valley . A tiny oligarchy is meagerly being rewarded ; What a shame for a manmade world corrupted with vices !
My brush defaces the inequality and the imbalance , Which fool the image of a so called free world . My laser beams burn the iris of the blind peasants , Who can now see clearly the mini-sketch of my people .
I am the brother-in law of the cowardly executed poet And the great-grandson of the poorest assassinated emperor . I abhor the vanity and the lowliness of mankind in horror , Oh ! Lord , I ' m going to read aloud twelve psalms , from my seat .
My pen is mourning my people ,
Who are innocently digesting the giant toxic apple . My voice is seduced by the wind of liberty , Which echoes the piercing screams of the hungry baby .
Copyright © November 2010 , Hebert Logerie , All Rights Reserved
Ma Plume Pleure Du Sang
Ma plume pleure les outrances et les souffrances De mon peuple qui se noie dans la misère Mon stylo stylise les lentes cadences D ' un mendiant qui s ' égare au sein de la galère .
Ma voix dénonce le sale choléra et l ' injustice Qui punissent tout être qui respire dans la vallée Un clan oligarchique se voit maigrement récompenser Quelle honte pour un monde corrompu de vices !
Mon pinceau démasque l ' inégalité et le déséquilibre Qui bottinent tout un univers soi-disant libre Des flocons de laser brûlent l ' iris des aveugles Qui voient très clair le minitableau de mon peuple .
Je suis le gendre du poète lâchement exécuté Et le petit-fils du plus pauvre empereur assassiné J ' abhorre la vanité et la mièvrerie de l ' homme Oh ! Yavhé ! Je vais réciter une douzaine de tes psaumes .
Ma plume pleure pour mon peuple Qui boit l ' absinthe comme un aveugle Mon souffle balayé par le vent de la liberté Est pareil aux soupirs perçants des paysans empoisonnés .
Copyright © Novembre , 2010 , Hebert Logerie , Tous Droits Réservés
Hebert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems . Alumnus of : ' l ' Ecole de Saint Joseph '; ' the College of Roger Anglade ' in Haiti ; Montclair High School of New Jersey ; and Rutgers , the State University of New Jersey , USA . He studied briefly at Laval University , Quebec , Canada . He ’ s a Haitian- American . He started writing at a very early age . My poems are in French , English , and Creole ; I must confess that most of my beauteous and romantic poems are in my books .
http :// www . poemhunter . com / h ebert-logerie http :// www . poesie . webnet . fr / v ospoemes / logerie