KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Jan Iss. Vol. 0115 | Page 49

Liberian Literary Magazine At this moment, I have my short comedy, paranormal, ‘The Last Train’. Jake is trying to reunite with his wife. The problem? He’s dead. It is a paranormal adventure on both sides of the mortal curtain. I also have two volumes of ‘Eyes of Prometheus’, which Promoting Liberian literature, Arts and Culture Web Page: It am also honored to be the first to publish Wren Hartwood’s stories. Rose Blackthorn is well established in many twisted and horror anthologies, so I enjoyed working with her and her thought-filled zombie story in volume 2. ( oseBlackthorn/e/B007D91C3K Web Page: https://roseblackthorn.word All books are easily found on my Amazon Author’s Page: What inspired you to write this title or how did you come up with the storyline? The Last Train came to me tucked in the usual non-stop tap on my bottomless barrel of story ideas. Both intrigue and newness drew me to it as it almost plotted itself out without a moments warning. The storyline just fell together and when I plotted it out in a graph, I was hooked. I use Inspiration 9 for this. are collections of the supernatural genres: paranormal, fantasy, science fiction, and horror. The few free verse items range in emotion and purpose; two exemplify an author’s heart. I have several short stories in these as well as other authors. They write and I do all the rest. Barry Woodham is an established sci-fi fantasy novelist with many short stories to share. (Author’s page: Though I set out for a more serious take on the story, the characters quickly turned it into a comedy version of my ideas. The way I wrote it, each reader goes away with something different as can be seen in the reviews. ( The power of undying love becomes obvious. There is also a subtle message about prayer as an outgrowth of Jakes journey. Is there anything else you would like readers to know about your book? To date, my books are all quick reads and are loaded with surprises for only $0.99 each. The Last Train, for instance, had been called a genre mutt because it covers so much in its seventy plus pages. Though I avoid cliffhangers, many readers wish they were expanded into full-length novels. One reviewer said, “The story is told in such a light and humorous way that one finds delight in what might otherwise be a grim ride. – John Holland.” Do you have any advice for other writers? Keep your eye on the goals in your plot vicissitudes, and do not le t your characters push so hard that you can’t smoothly get back to your plot. Develop an emotional connection to your characters that will carry into your writing. Enjoy your creativity! Is there a message in your book that you want your readers to grasp? What book[s] are you reading now? Or recently read? 45