KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Jan Iss. Vol. 0115 | Page 3

Liberian Literary Magazine Liberian Overview: New Look Hurray! You noticed the new design as well right. Well thanks to you all, we are here today. We are most grateful to start our print issue. This would not have happened without your dedicated patronage, encouragement and of course, the belief you placed in our establishment. We look forward to your continual support as we strive to improve on the content we provide you. Our Commitment We at Liberian Literature Review believe that change is good, especially, the planned ones. We take seriously the chance to improve, adopt and grow with time. That said we still endeavor to maintain the highest standard and quality despite any changes we make. We can comfortably make this iii | P a g e Promoting Liberian Literature, Arts and Culture Literary commitment; the quality of our content will not be sacrificed in the name of change. In short, we are a fast growing publisher determined to keep the tradition of providing you, our readers, subscribers and clients with the best literature possible. What to Expect You can continue to expect the highest quality of Liberian literary materials from us. The services that we provided that endeared us to you and made you select us as the foremost Liberian literary magazine will only improve. Each issue, we will diversify our publication to ensure that there is something for everyone; as a nation with diverse culture, this is the least we can do. We thank you for you continual support. Magazine Overview Segments From the Editor’s Desk #Liberia Puzzle Murder in the Cassava Patch Authors’ Profiles C. Patrick Burrowes’ Interview Book Review Contemporary Liberian Literature Diaspora Poet - Althea Mark Why I Broke the Stove Bette Daoust’s Interview Book Review ‘Rright Better Unscripted: Cher Antoinette A Story of Courage and Pain Kevin Zimmerman’s Interview Article The Bet [Short Story] Richard H. Alan’s Interview Liberian Proverbs Liberian Coins Forgotten Heroes Poetry Section Gifts of the Master New Releases Meet the Team Around Town