KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Jan Iss. Vol. 0115 | Page 13

Liberian Literary Magazine Promoting Liberian literature, Arts and Culture BETTE DAOUST Authors of the Month Profiles C PATRICK BURROWES Dr. Bette Daoust is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker and consultant to small business. Dr. Daoust has a passion for helping others succeed in business through sharing her expertise and ideas through her book series "Blueprints For Success". Bette has worked within the academic community as a professor and teacher plus Fortune 500 companies in developing programs to educate workers regarding marketing, technology, and networking. Her approach to writing and marketing are a deviation from the usage of one niche gurus. Bette pushes authors to master their craft whether it is fiction or non-fiction through the production of the best possible product for the marketplace. So where does Dr. Daoust get her experience? As a published author using both a publishing house and being self-published, Bette learned the ins and outs of the book business. Not only about the getting to the published stage and also the grueling grind of having to market books on her own. Her processes and guides are proven techniques for the book marketing business. She is currently working with a team of authors to provide cutting edge ideas around book marketing. The team has produced The Complete Book Marketing System through Authors Success Guild. Her current projects now include her work on The Book Marketing Manual. Carl Patrick Burrowes Author, scholar and human rights activist by day. Poet, book collector and lover of the arts, especially live music, after working hours. Son, father and friend around the clock. Born in Liberia and educated in the United States, my main passion has been exploring the r ich and often overlooked culture, arts and humanities of Africa and its Diaspora. As a life-long university professor and administrator, I've been paid to do what I love read, build knowledge and challenge young adults to excel. Disappointments and a few regrets aside, my life has been golden. 9