KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Feb Vol. 0215 | Page 83

Liberian Literary Magazine Promoting Liberian literature, Arts and Culture Editor D. Othniel Forte Promoting Liberian Here at Liberian Literary Magazine, we strive to bring you the best coverage of Liberian literary news. We are a subsidiary of Liberian Literature Review. For too long the arts have been ignored, disregarded or just taken less important in Liberia. This sad state has stifled the creativity of many and the culture as a whole. However, all is not lost. A new breed of creative minds has risen to the challenge and are determined to change the dead silence in our literary world. In order to do this, we realized the need to create a culture of reading amongst our people. A reading culture broadens the mind and opens up endless possibilities. It also encourages diversity and for a colorful nation like ours, fewer things are more important. Advertise with us!!!! Creativity & Culture PHOTO BY: CHITO REYES We remain grateful to contributors; keep creating the great works, it will come full circle. But most importantly, we thank those of you that continue to support us by reading, purchasing, and distributing our magazine. We are most appreciative of this and hope to keep you educated, informed and entertained. Liberia We are Accepting Submissions Asia USA Monrovia Liberia Ban Pong, Ratchaburi 7202 Tavenner Lane # 12 Ashmun Street 76 Sarasit Road Alexandria VA [+231-770-456038 [+231-886-527151 +66-85-8244382 [email protected] 69 +1703-3479528