KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Feb Vol. 0215 | Page 46

Liberian Literary Magazine February Issue 0215

University of Liberia First STEM Symposium

Emmet Dennis & Preston Tulay
On January 8 , 2016 , the University of Liberia – T . J . R . Faulkner College of Science and Technology held its first Science , Technology , Engineering and Mathematics ( STEM ) Symposium on the Fendall Campus . The STEM Symposium was a showcase of the love and understanding of the natural and applied sciences by students in the eight major departments within the college . The STEM Symposium presenters were students from the Biology and Chemistry Departments representing Team Science , students from the Civil and Electrical Engineering Departments representing Team Technology , students from the Geology and Mining Engineering Departments representing Team Engineering , students from the Mathematics and Physics Departments representing Team Mathematics , and selected students from the eight departments representing Team Convergence .
Each team delivered an audio and visual presentation detailing background and definition of their subject areas ; the importance and benefits to the individual , the society , and for the national development of Liberia . They also had to give a persuasive analysis and display of available science and engineering educational support materials or resources to encourage members of the audience , especially primary school and high school students and females to develop interest and do well in the science courses early on in school , and dare them to consider advance education in the natural and applied sciences . Each team detailed some general and specific challenges faced by university students in the sciences everywhere , especially students at the University of Liberia T . J . R . Faulkner College of Science and Technology . The Convergence Team representing the eight departments in the College of Science and Technology summarized the links and interdependence of Science , Technology , Engineering and Mathematics and emphasized the very importance of STEM to the individual and national development of Liberia , while providing some salient recommendation to the challenges detailed by the other teams and also lauding the efforts and supports to the engineering department by international donors like the USAID Excellence for Higher Education for Liberian Development ( EHELD ) project . Following their presentations , the presenters entertained questions and answers from the well inspired student audience . The auditorium was filled to capacity , with a standing room crowd on both the sides and back room of the auditorium . There were excited and enthused students represented from some primary and secondary schools , as well as the University of Liberia students , staff , faculty members , the College of Science and Technology Dean , Associate Deans , and Department Chairpersons . They were also enlightened by faculty guest speaker Dr . Eugene Shannon ( Geologist ) who spoke on the topic Climate Change and its Impact on Liberia – observing that Liberia is currently in