KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Feb Vol. 0215 | Page 26

Liberian Literary Magazine Promoting Liberian literature , Arts and Culture
Tell us your latest news , promotions , book tours , launch etc .
I recently presented a paper and read some of my poems at the Antigua and Barbuda Review of Books Tenth Anniversary Conference in August 2015 .
Poems published in 2014- 2015 include “ Lost Love ,” Women in War , Advocates for Gender Balance , 2015 , “ Like Mami Water in Hiding ,” Kaleidescope , Writers Abroad , 2015 , “ New World Bouillon ,” and “ Now Massa Loved Some Hunting ,” The Caribbean Writer , vol . 29 , 2015 , “ Departure and Arrival ,” Persimmon Tree ( w ww . persimmontree . org / v 2 / summer- 2015 / international-poets ),“ The Vengence of Gods and Spirits ”, Caribbean- American Heritage Month Literary magazine , ( w ww . issuu . com / instituteof caribbeanstudies / docs / ca hm _ magazine _ 2015 ),
“ Neighbors Sanderson ,” poem , in Moko Magazine , November 2014 issue , and poems “ Unwanted Visitors ,” and “ Small Island Deprivations ,” in Tongues of the Ocean , special feature on Antiguan Writers , Winter , 2014 . Fitting into One ’ s Skin ,” A review of Joanne Hillhouse ’ s novel , Oh Gad ! in the Antigua and Barbuda Review of Books , summer 2014 , “ A Story of Immigrants ,” personal essay , The Caribbean
Writer , Volume 28 , Autumn 2014 , Poems for the Hazara : An Anthology and Collabrative Poem ( multilingual ), ed . Kamran Mir Hazar , Winter , 2014 , several poems and an essay in WomanSpeak : A journal of writing and Art by Caribbean Women . Ed . Lynn Sw eeting , Vol . 7 , 2013- 14
What are your current projects ?
I am preparing my next book of poems and essays , The Nakedness of New .
What are some of your favorite books by [ a ] Liberian author [ s ] or about Liberia ?
As I mentioned earlier , I have just completed , Vamba Sherif ’ s novel , Bound to Secrecy . I have read of all Dr . Patricia Wesley ’ s books of poems , Before the Palm Could Bloom , Becoming Ebony , The River is Rising , and Where the Road Turns ; I have read Bai T . Moore ’ s poems , and his novel ,
Murder in the Cassava Patch ; Wilton Sankawolo ’ s , novels , The Rain and the Night , Sundown At Dawn , his folktales , Nobody Knows When He Will Die , and a new collections of folktales , Tales of West Africa , that he planned to publish , before his death ; Robert Brown ’ s novel , To Seek A Newer world , and short story
collection , After Long Silence and Other Liberian Short stories , many of which were republished in Short Story International ; Moses Nagbe ’ s poems , and his first collection of short stories ( We Are One ?); C William Allen ’ s The African Interior Mission , Jeremiah B . Menyongai ’ s , Poems from Ashes of War , and A Look in The Rear View Mirror . I have also read the work ( short stories , poetry , essays ) of some of the younger Liberian writers in Seabreeze : Liberia Journal of Contemporary Literature , an on-line journal that now on a hiatus .
Any last words ?
Well , I think I have said enough already , but I would like to emphasize that writing requires great discipline and if you want to be a great writer , you have to get feedback on your work . You can ’ t just publish work because you think it ’ s great . You have to keep your ego in check .