KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Apr Iss. Vol. 0415 | Page 29

Liberian Literary Magazine Promoting Liberian literature, Arts and Culture This minute break the rules to make an engineer and Heaven will smile. This is my humble plea" He opened his eyes to his ultimate dismay every eye was flooding The teary teacher apologized and promised him his help Later at home, his Mum, took the exams question paper In a gentle voice, she asked, “how did you do it?” Now he is a civil engineer An award winning poet ...and the author of this particular piece . These chains are ruthless and heartless Tied I was in a hold, in darkness To breathe the air of strangers, These chains, these chains strangled and lynched Leaving me scarred, impotent. Religious and moral they claim to be, Hypocrites all; who criticized my struggle, As I traversed land, home and foreign Debating, appealing, for the rights of oppressed race, My Consciousness has brought me back to the chains, But these chains I have cut and tossed away, These chains I tossed away I definitely declared my freedom from any chains. © by Clifford Oppong Benjamin Renee’ B. Drummond-Brown Terry Komanyane Prince “Sometimes it Snows in April” Today ‘wuz’ ‘wanna’ ‘dem’ ‘daze’ When ‘dem’ Doves Cried Purple rain Purple rain Purple reigns But ‘den’ again ‘Dats’ the sign O’ the time ‘Dat’ ev’ry body can’t be on top ‘Dat’ pop life Got real funky And the 21st April shower dropped Purple rain Purple rain Purple RAINED!!! Prince Life got real ugly ‘An’ I guess Like MJ You had ‘dat’ space to fill If it ‘wazn’t’ you two THESE CHAINS These chains, chains that shred my soul, I’m bound to chains of command. I’m Harnessed and