KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Apr Iss. Vol. 0415 | Page 20

Liberian Literary Magazine Promoting Liberian Literature, Arts and Culture Liberian Proverbs 14)A person with wisdom, has wealth. 1) The lion does not have to fight to show its power. 15)Wisdom is like an old cotton tree; one individual’s hand can’t cover it. 2) The man that gets up each time he falls, is sure to succeed. 3) The patient dog will eat the fattest bone. 16)A fool learns the rules of the game, long after the players stopped playing. 4) The person that is down, has nowhere to fall. 17)Misfortune is a good chance to learn. 5) We each have our own path. 18)A wise person will always find a way around a problem. 6) What the family talks about in the evening, the child will repeat in the morning. 19)A person with wealth may lose it, but one with knowledge and wisdom keeps it. 7) When a long teeth man is suffering, no one knows because it looks like he is laughing. 20) The monkey doesn’t learn how to jump the tree without first trying. 8) When building a house, don't count the number of big trees in the forest. 21)A person of reason, has little needs for force. 22)Wisdom is not like money to be tied up and hidden. 9) When one is in the bat kingdom, one has to swing like a bat. 23)The heart of the wise person lies quiet like clear water. 10) When you see a crocodile happily laughing, it is best to be very careful. 24)Wisdom is like fire. People take it from others. 11)Whenever you are short of funds, even a fool will advise you. 25)A learned person expands his/her influence. 12) When you see a mouse laughing at a cat, then a hole very close by. Excerpts from Proverbs From Liberia 13)When the poor man dreams, he dreams of money and wealth. 20