KV Dwarka Times 1st Issue | Page 9

station as station 2 and as in the picture there are some horses on both the stations . When the train arrives on the station 2 , the horses on it heard a louder sound . As the train passed away , the sound becomes fainter and fainter to those horses . Now the train is arriving on the station 1 , then the horses on that station hears the same sound first fainter when the train was far away and then louder and louder as the train approaches them . This famous Effect was first studied by Christian Andreas Doppler and then formulated some famous principles .
Abhishek Arya Class- XI-A
You are like a Rainbow in the sky ; You filled my Life with joy . You are my best friend ; You make me feel Fresh and alive . You filled my life With wonderful colours . I never feel tired When playing with you . You are so cute and beautiful That no one could resist Themselves from loving you . Your voice is sweeter Then the sweetest voice In the world . For me you are not Only a bird , but You are the Best pet in the world .
By Mayank Class- 11A
MY PET pg . 9