KV Dwarka Times 1st Issue | Page 2

We know that coins always make sound but currency notes are always silent . So " SILENCE IS GOLDEN ". It is essential to know the importance of silence . Being silent makes you comfortable internally and externally . Now -a-days , students pretend to be smart but they are not , which makes us believe that " Empty vessels sound more ". As a quiet student , one listens and understands better , by paying attention to things that other miss . Being quiet tends to give people the impression that you are a deep thinker and a patient observer . Quietness promotes tranquillity and a serene life . The basic ingredient of life is silence which enables us to focus in studying , meditating , sleeping , relaxing and reading books . The importance of silence is further emphasized by the saying ' Fools discuss people , commoners discuss events , the intelligent discuss ideas but the genius work in silence '.
Ankita Sah Class : 11th ' A ' Roll no . : 12
Discipline is very important for our lives . We cannot lead a healthy life without discipline . Even nature has her discipline . As a citizen we have to discipline ourselves and obey the law of society and the state as well . The government should also maintain discipline . We all see that the sun the moon and the Stars work under the laws of nature . They have discipline . It helps in our progress and makes our life smooth . For a student discipline is very important . The students should be come regularly . The students should work with honesty . The children should pay due respect to all . When there is indiscipline , the children should try to find a solution . We must learn the value of discipline . We should inculcate the habit of discipline .