In the following series of questions , the respondents were asked to state the frequency of usage of the historical path that intersects the cultural landscape of Prcanj area and the results obtained are more than interesting .
Namely , even 53.8 % of the respondents stated that not even once had they strolled down the medieval upper road of Prcanj that connects historically important churches like St . Anna - St . Peter - Old Parish Church and continues to the Spille river canyon at the administrative end of Prcanj , from where the medieval path continues to the next village of Upper Stoliv and crosses the entire Vrmac hill . That is very interesting information because it shows that that this route is not used even by its residents . A total of 78.5 % of respondents agreed with the proposal that this path should be marked and proclaimed as the hiking path and the cultural landscape of special importance for the municipality of Kotor .
Another question regarding the use of historical landscape was : “ How many times have you been to the Old Parish Church in the hill ?”. Only 40 % of the respondents stated that they had climbed to the Old Parish Church of Prcanj more than 10 times in their lifetime . The Old Parish Church is the highest visually dominant structure of the settlement and it used to be a very busy pilgrim path visited in some religious ceremonies by as many as 6,000 people a day .
We would make it ! In answer to the following question : “ Do you think that it is necessary to put up small information boards in front of all buildings protected by law in the area of Prcanj which would contain a short textual description , a sketch and a year of construction ?”, 100 % of respondents agree that it is necessary .
The following questions : “ Do You know which church in Prcanj contains the Latin inscription : Rectus Corde Accipiet ?” and ‘‘ Do You know which church in Prcanj contains the old inscription Unio Vincit ?“, were not intended to test residents ’ knowledge of native heritage but to prove that the upper path of Prcanj is almost completely unknown to its residents . The former inscription , Rectus Corde Accipiet , is visible the cloister of Old Parish church in the hill above its door . The latter inscription , Unio Vincit , is visible above the arch of St . Peter Church in the hill . The answers to both questions given by 53.8 % of the respondents show that the residents are completely unfamiliar with those churches and the ancient path that connects them , which proves the previous respondents ’ claim that they have never walked down this path .
In answer to the question : “ Do you consider that the movable heritage in the area of Prcanj is significant and requires a permanent museum setting ?”, 58.5 % of the respondents stated that it is significant and requires a permanent museum setting .
Other questions propose some possible functions for restoration the Old Parish Church , now completely in ruins , and for Franciscan Monastery , whose restoration is underway . 32.3 % of the respondents would like for the Old Parish Church to be restored for religious purposes , as the Roman Catholic Church , while 24.6 % of the respondents would like it to be restored as a multi-functional exhibition space for the tourist valorization . As for the function of Franciscan Monastery , 27.7 % of the respondents agree that they would like it to become either Ecumenical centre or a pavilion for working camps of young activists in the fields of art , architecture and science .