KUDOS The Great Outdoors | Page 29

How to Build a Super Sand Castle By Joey Coleman Building a sandcastle can be a super fun activity for the entire family, and can save you money too! Instead of renting those expensive waverunners, why not spend a few dollars on a bucket and shovel and have great memories building a sandcastle. Building sandcastles are fun and need very few materials to build. Materials you will need are a bucket (or buckets of different sizes), shovel, water, and plastic knives and spoons are always handy, a spray bottle to keep your creation moist, and of course sand! Water is an essential element in building a sandcastle, and the more the better. The water acts like a 'glue' to keep your sand together and hold the shape you want. When looking for the perfect spot to build your sandcastle, look for spots that are very sandy, but not too close to the water. You don't want your masterpiece to be taken away with the tide. Some people like to draw out a design of how they want their sandcastle to look. You can draw your design on paper or in the sand. Start by making large piles of sand around where you are going to build your sandcastle. To make your perfect foundation for your sandcastle masterpiece pour several buckets of water on the spot to form a moist foundation. Most people start afterward by making main castle of a middle castle, and build several smaller ones around the main castle. To build up the sides or make it higher the easiest way to do this is to get sand wet in your hands and make pancake like sizes and add on to your castle. Remember wet sand is the key to keeping your castle sturdy! Your main structure should be narrower toward the top and have a large base. If you kind of imagine the shape of a megaphone that would work well. The larger base you have the more supportive your work of art will be. Building walls will take some creativity and lots of patience! To build walls well the trick is to get one handful of wet sand at a time, squeeze out any access water and mold it to where you want to build your walls. You can practice making arches and stairs as well using the same kind of technique. Using your spray bottle will keep your creation moist and from crumbling. There are several great sites online that you can look at for more tips and some great pictures. You can build anything your imagination can come up with. Building sandcastles are a fun family activity, and always remember your sunscreen. Joey likes to go to the beach with his family and has taken note of not only his favorite things to do, but the things on his "must-bring" list as well. Included on that list are backpack beach chairs like the WearEver beach chair and other beach "must haves". http://backpackbeachchairs.org 26