KUDOS The Great Outdoors | Page 16

Ring-Tailed Lemurs wake up from an afternoon nap Another not to be missed spot is the Lemur Walk. These adorable little guys are in a large enclosure that they let you right into. Lemurs are free to roam the entire space while visitors are restricted to the walkway. The lemurs walk among the people climb on bamboo poles over your head and leap from rock to rock in a small pond. A lemur through a 300mm lens Quick Facts: Lemurs are social creatures who generally live in troops made up of 17 members or less. Much like many tribal human groups, such as Native Americans, the troop is matrilineal, meaning that descent is through the female lines. Female lemurs socially dominate the males in all circumstances. In other words, SHE'S the boss! Known for their great prowess as jumpers, lemurs can leap up to 33 feet from tree to tree. A curious lemur surveys the guests before leaving his bed 13