KUDOS The Great Outdoors | Page 10

Thorn Tree, Namib Desert © Luca Galuzzi 5 Tips For Taking Pictures in the Desert By Rick Valence Taking pictures in the desert can be an extremely rewarding experience for both seasoned and amateur photographers. Apart from showing people that you have actually traveled to the desert, you can also be the proud owner of some wonderfully artistic photos. The desert has a certain majestic and a serene quality that lends itself to really unique pictures. Even shots taken by an amateur can sometimes look quite professional when shot correctly. There are, however, a few challenges that the desert environment places before photographers. Knowing a few simple tips can make your photo session in the desert produce truly breathtaking pictures. 1) Never take pictures with your back facing the sun. This rule applies especially during the morning and evening times, when the sun is close to the horizon. The reason for this is that pictures look their best when there is a proper balance of lighting vs. shadow detailed into the scene. When the sun is shining directly from behind you, the subject will be fully illuminated and there will be no shadows visible from the camera's perspective. The image will therefore look flat and devoid of any depth detail. 2) Always point the camera perpendicular to the direction of sunlight to get the best light and shadow details in the pictures. When light falls on one side of the objects being photographed, the other half will be cast in a shadow, creating a sense of depth to the objects. 3) Always try to include a monolithic structure in the frame for scale, especially when shooting a series of plain sand dunes. For instance, an infinite shot of sand dunes alone, filling the photo frame, would look monotonous and uninteresting. Adding any element, like a cactus or a camel in the foreground for scale and contrast, will immediately breathe life into the picture. 4) Use a UV filter to avoid damage to the lens of the camera. The harsh light conditions in the desert can sometimes be too bright for the lens and the film (if a film camera). Protecting the lens with a UV filter will help you get good pictures from your lens. 7