Technology as a third space
In our settings , we have both indoor and outdoor space , but then we also have a space for technology . Hirschy ( 2017 ) refers to using technology as the third space to promote communication and bridge the gap between home and school / ECE .
“ Technology as a third space between school and home can provide opportunities for teachers and families to share and expand learning opportunities , provide and receive information about a child ’ s growth and development , create partnerships , and strengthen family engagement .” ( p . 28 )
Integration strategies – favourite tools
Technology needs to be infused into the early childhood educational program , and integrated as one of many tools for learning . Intentionality to the use of technology requires a sound understanding of the educational content , as well as the context of the technology being used .
Content , looks at the level of engagement . Are children creating or consuming ?
Observing the context focuses on how the technology is being used to compliment and extend children ’ s play and interactions . Central to integrating technology , is the ability to co-view . This is the ability to take what is happening on a small screen , and be able to share this on a larger screen .
For co-viewing to occur , teachers need to find a way to take what has been captured on a small screen , such as an iPad , camera or laptop , and project these images onto a larger screen . As with all technology problems , there are always a number of solutions available . For example teachers can co-view through AirPlay using Apple TV ( for streaming ) and a large screen TV , or through the use of cables to connect your device ( tablet or PC ) to a large screen / TV or a projector .
Co-viewing possibilities
When co-viewing is integrated as a part of the everyday , many possibilities for learning can take place …
Share photos from home on a larger screen
Create puppet shows on an iPad and playback for small groups to revisit
Record a video and play-back on a large screen , using the pause button to stop and predict what might happen , or explain what did happen . Consider using time-lapse or slow-motion .
As we consider how technology can become a third space in our education and care settings , we begin to increase the potential for sharing in learning and developing strong partnerships and relationships , for and with young children and their families .
References :
Donohue , C ( Editor ) ( 2017 ) Family Engagement in the Digital Age . New York , Routledge
Hirschy , S ( 2017 ) Developmentally Appropriate technology Integration . In Donohue , C ( Editor ) ( 2017 ) Family Engagement in the Digital Age . New York , Routledge
Laure Hislop is currently working as a Professional Learning Consultant for KU Children ’ s Services . She has worked in early childhood for 35 years . Laure has a Bachelor of Education , a Diploma of Teaching ( Early Childhood Education ) and a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment . Laure is particularly interested in developing and promoting innovative programs , and ensuring the centre ’ s educational philosophy matches with practice .
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