KU Financial Report KU Financial Report 2022 | Page 5

Directors ’ Attendance at Board Meetings ( 1 January to 31 December 2022 )
The following table sets out the number of Directors ’ meetings ( including meetings of committees of Directors ) held during the financial year and the number of meetings attended by each Director ( while they were a Director or committee member ).
Board of Directors
Audit & Risk Management Committee
Education Committee
People & Remuneration Committee
KU Marcia Burgess Foundation Committee Directors A B A B A B A B A B
Sema Whittle ( formerly Musson )
11 11 4 4
Peter Roberts 11 9 4 3 4 3 Helen Argiris 11 8 4 4 4 3 Prof Patricia Eadie 11 10 3 3 Joshua Gilbert 11 9 5 5 Prof . Linda Harrison 11 10 4 4 Elizabeth Hristoforidis 11 11 4 4 5 5 Tamara Robinson 11 10 5 5 Janet Verden 11 11 4 3 4 4
A Number of meetings held during the year while the Director was a member of the Board or Committee . B Number of meetings attended by the Director during the year while the Director was a member of the Board or Committee .
The auditors ’ independence declaration is included on page 4 of the financial report . Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Directors .
On behalf of the Directors
Sema Whittle
Peter Roberts
Chair , Board of Directors
Chair , Audit & Risk Management Committee
Sydney , 20 April 2023
Sydney , 20 April 2023