KU Financial Report KU Financial Report 2022 | Page 32

21 . Information & Declarations to be Furnished Under the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 ( continued )
( d ) Details of Gross Income and Aggregate Expenditure of Appeals Conducted Jointly with Traders
For the purpose of this note all fundraising involving the Sale of Items ( e . g . chocolates , sun hats , sunscreen , etc ) is deemed to have involved a trader .
2022 2021
$ $ Gross income received from sale of items 85,964 58,812 Total expenditure incurred 34,386 24,875
( e ) Forms of Fundraising Appeals Conducted in 2022
For the purposes of reporting under the requirements of the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 , KU Children ’ s Services classifies all fundraising activities under five categories ; raffles , functions , sale of items , donations and interest .
( f ) Key Indicators for Fundraising Activities
Total Cost of Fundraising $ 98,210 ( 2021 : $ 78,431 ) divided by Gross Income from Fundraising $ 177,623 ( 2021 : $ 153,778 ) equals 55 % ( 2021 : 52 %).
Net Surplus from Fundraising $ 79,413 ( 2021 : $ 75,347 ) divided by Gross Income from Fundraising $ 177,623 ( 2021 : $ 153,778 ) equals 45 % ( 2021 : 48 %).
22 . Additional Company Information
KU Children ’ s Services is a public company limited by guarantee , incorporated and operating in Australia . Principal Registered Office and Principal Place of Business
129 York Street Sydney NSW 2000