KU Financial Report KU Financial Report 2022 | Page 3

The Directors present their report on KU Children ’ s Services ( the company ) for the financial year ended 31 December 2022 . The Directors report as follows :


The Directors present their report on KU Children ’ s Services ( the company ) for the financial year ended 31 December 2022 . The Directors report as follows :

Our Vision
Every young child experiences excellence in early education and care , inspiring learning for life .
Operating Result and Cash Flow
KU ’ s finances are overseen by KU ’ s Board of Directors and KU ’ s Audit & Risk Management Committee who review the financial reports regularly and provide strategic direction to KU management .
KU is a financially viable organisation with a strong balance sheet and adequate reserves . KU ’ s long history of responsible financial management confirms KU is financially sound and progressive with a solid balance sheet and cash reserves , enabling it to pursue its strategic objectives . KU has no subsidiary or related organisations .
KU continued to navigate the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic throughout 2022 , both organisationally and financially .
At 31 December 2022 , KU had a net deficit of ($ 1,503,830 ) ( 2021 : deficit $ 3,815,346 ), total assets of $ 98,614,611 ( 2021 : $ 100,301,768 ) and net assets of $ 38,201,296 ( 2021 : $ 39,705,126 ).
Short-and Long-Term Objectives of the Company
KU Children ’ s Services has been operating continually since 1895 and has a strong commitment to the provision of high-quality early education and care , inclusion and social responsibility .
The KU 2021-2022 Strategic Plan guided operations during 2022 , which sets out 4 key priorities ( see ‘ Our Priorities ’) for the organisation . Despite the need for agility and responsiveness to the pandemic , KU ’ s ongoing focus on the key priority areas ensured the organisational objectives continued to be pursued and achieved .
Highlights for the year ended 31 December 2022 are detailed in the 127th Annual Report .
Our Purpose
At KU we nurture and grow children ’ s learning . We partner with families and communities , and value children as citizens who create , think and do .
Our Priorities
1 . We deliver , lead and inspire educational excellence 2 . We have a thriving professional workforce 3 . We are financially sustainable and scalable 4 . We make a positive social impact
Principal Activities of the Company
The principal activities of KU during the current year have been the provision of early childhood education and care services . There were no changes to the principal activities during the year .
Performance Measurement
The Annual Report of the Company details the achievements and performance over the past year measured against the strategic goals . KU continued to achieve and perform strongly when measured against these strategic goals . KU ’ s key performance indicators are utilisation , staff turnover and financial performance of individual services .
Company Limited by Guarantee
The Company is incorporated as a company limited by guarantee . In accordance with the Constitution , every member of the Company undertakes to contribute $ 2 to the assets of the Company in the event of it being wound up , while he / she is a member or within one year after he / she ceases to be a member . The Company has 2,526 members ( 2021 : 3,682 members ).