KU Financial Report KU Financial Report 2022 | Page 24

8 . Property , Plant and Equipment
Gross Carrying Amount
Land and buildings
Leasehold improvements
Furniture and Office equipment
Motor Vehicles
Make Good
Total $ $ $ $ $ $
Balance at 1 January 2021 21,765,740 24,674,328 3,796,186 103,147 1,888,058 52,227,459 Additions 4,949,527 1,559,987 499,915 - 30,000 7,039,429 Assets under construction ( WIP ) 5,443,925 1,265,073 11,140 - - 6,720,138 Reverse Assets under construction ( WIP ) 2020
( 3,252,437 ) ( 843,807 ) ( 64,744 ) - - ( 4,160,988 )
Disposals 924,688 354,785 ( 96,092 ) - 51,400 ( 1,426,965 ) Balance at 31 December 2021 27,982,067 26,300,796 4,146,405 103,147 1,866,658 60,399,073 Additions 5,125,212 2,735,554 1,271,915 - - 9,132,682 Reverse Assets under construction ( WIP ) 2021
( 5,443,925 ) ( 1,265,073 ) ( 11,140 ) - - ( 6,720,138 )
Assets under construction ( WIP ) 818,111 234,384 15,617 - - 1,068,112 Disposals - ( 1,810 ) - ( 29,709 ) - ( 31,519 ) As at 31 December 2022 28,481,465 28,003,851 5,422,797 73,438 1,866,658 63,848,210
Accumulated Depreciation Balance at 1 January 2021 ( 2,930,028 ) ( 12,986,076 ) ( 1,919,637 ) ( 103,147 ) ( 1,577,241 ) ( 19,516,129 ) Disposals 509,990 232,829 31,506 - - 774,325 Write-offs - - - - 51,400 51,400 Depreciation expense ( 311,113 ) ( 1,332,064 ) ( 606,787 ) - ( 59,427 ) ( 2,309,391 ) Balance at 31 December 2021 ( 2,731,151 ) ( 14,085,311 ) ( 2,494,918 ) ( 103,147 ) ( 1,585,268 ) ( 20,999,795 ) Disposals - 754 - 29,709 - 30,463 Depreciation expense ( 437,683 ) ( 1,515,502 ) ( 909,889 ) - ( 48,993 ) ( 2,912,067 ) As at 31 December 2022 ( 3,168,834 ) ( 15,600,059 ) ( 3,404,807 ) ( 73,438 ) ( 1,634,260 ) ( 23,881,399 )
Net Book Value As at 31 December 2021 25,250,916 12,215,485 1,651,487 - 281,390 39,399,278 As at 31 December 2022 25,312,631 12,403,792 2,017,990 - 232,398 39,966,811