5. Surplus for the Year
2017 2016
$ $
71,416,085 78,218,348
59,769,013 44,976,663
1,588,650 1,329,793
Gross fundraising income 391,097 456,947
Interest income 961,081 894,997
Consultancy fees 305,412 33,918
Sales of publications and courses 645,136 445,615
2,126,631 2,412,987
- (24,289)
593,210 377,144
6,611,217 5,927,112
7,978 274,410
(1,778,827) (1,933,337)
(2,608,235) (2,561,976)
10,968 (90,857)
(24,540) (30,770)
(i) Revenue from fees
Parent’s fees
(ii) Revenue from non-capital government funding
Government funding
(iii) Other revenue
Other revenue from ordinary operations consisted of the following items:
Management fees
Sponsor support
Loss on disposal of PPE
Other sundry revenue
(iv) Other income
Government capital grant funding
(v) Surplus
Surplus has been arrived at after (charging)/ crediting the following items:
Depreciation and amortisation of property, plant and equipment and
Operating lease rental expenses:
Minimum lease payments
Net bad and doubtful debts
Finance costs