Creating, Thinking
and Doing for today
and tomorrow
From humble beginnings in 1895, our
organisation has grown and evolved into
a modern KU for today’s children and
Australian families. In 2016 the Board and
Executive worked together to reflect on
KU’s experiences in today’s operating
landscape, and to develop a Strategic Plan for
2017-2019, becoming the organisation’s
roadmap to the future, and specifically the
next three years.
This bold Strategic Plan builds on, and aligns
with, our existing six core values. While
continuing to value Childhood, Leadership,
Innovation, Sustainability, and Diversity
and Inclusion, we have expanded the value
of Integrity. The value ‘Relationships and
Integrity’ better reflects the important
role engaged relationships play in our
interactions with children and families, each
other, and our environment.
Together we will work towards our core
vision; a world where “Every child has the
right to feel safe, nurtured, valued and
heard”. KU’s Purpose in this vision is to
continue delivering, supporting and leading
high quality inclusive play-based learning
programs. We provide opportunities for
children to become the creators, thinkers
and doers of today and tomorrow.
In delivering our strategic objectives and
goals, KU must continue to do what it does
well and leverage our existing strengths.
Just as we nurture and support children to
develop and grow, we need to nurture the
organisation to continue to improve, evolve,
create and grow.
A sustainable, scalable business
model empowering our future.
Achieving excellence to advance the status and
standing of early childhood education.
121st Annual Report 2016