Ingrid Mui *fairytale*
Wilmette, IL
3 Cups of K-pop
1 Cup of Dance
1 Cup of video games
1/2 Cup of naps
3 tablespoons of weird
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 pinch of spice
1 pinch of spazz
1 teaspoon of sympathy
1 lb of BUSY
Favorite Thanksgiving Dish: garlic mashed potatoes with gravy
I would tent outside on Black Friday if BEST BUY or SEPHORA was offering a 80% off your purchase deal.
I would like to thank the alums for taking time out of their day to read this! I know we all get caught up in our work and I am grateful there are alumni that care about us and how we are doing. Thank you for all your support! Please come back and visit next semester :)
BLURB: Hello alumnae! Hope all has been going well :) Brrrr it's so cold outside now, I'm dreading winter and snow....It's not even Thanksgiving yet and it already snowed in AA D: typical Michigan weather. I can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving and eat home cooked food and sleep in my own big bed and of course spend time with family <3 These days I've been super busy with schoolwork and dance practice! I just joined a K-pop dance group called K-Motion which is new this year :) I finally get to do what I've wanted to do since High School (as sad as that sounds lol) but I'm super happy to be dancing with 7 other girls to K-pop songs I listen to!! Our first performance is this Saturday at Celebrasia and our second performance will be at our Inspired Show!! I'm super excitedddddd! I'd say life is going well right now, I just want a break though so my body and mind can fully rest. But don't we all? I'm going to power through until break - LEGGOOOOOOOOOO~