How To Avoid The Dangers Of Buying The Wrong Air Conditioning System
Always consider who you’ve chosen to get advice or proposals from. How long have they been in business, what experience training does the person you’re speaking with have? Has he just arrived in the company with a few days introduction to air conditioning to help the company cope with the summer rush? This can be the difference between disaster and your families comfort for many
years to come, and of course then how much it costs to run a potentially undersized system.
Does the company have its own fully trained and licenced tradespeople? If there’s a problem who will service this issue? Is the installing company, the sub-contractor if that’s who the company uses for their installations?
Is it the manufacturer, or do they also use sub-contractors? Remember your goal is
to have fast efficient friendly service, you’d don’t want people arguing whose fault it is, while you and your family swelter in summer or freeze in winter.
When considering purchasing your air conditioning system remember that this is a major investment in the lifestyle of yourself and family now and for the future. Getting it wrong can cost thousands of dollars in running costs over the years, discomfort in the depths of winter and height of summers sizzling temperatures,
and cost a fortune to then have to upgrade, or add extra units.