Kosta Boda Catalog/NPI - USA | Page 58

Åsa Jungnelius

About the designer

Åsa Jungnelius , born 1975 , is an artist who takes on assignments as a designer to reach a wider audience . Her work as a designer is a reflection f her art , which is powered by working with questions and issues that she finds in eresting .
Åsa has worked with glass as a material since she was 17 and she ' s been connected to Kosta Boda since 2007 . Today she is also a lecturer at the University of Arts , Crafts and Design ( Konstfack ) in Stockholm . She has previously initiated and run Residence-In-Nature , WeWorkInAFragileMaterial and LASTSTUDIO . One of her larger works includes the design Snäckan ( The Seashell ), which in a tribute to motherhood will embrace the upcoming metro station Hagaplan in Stockholm . Over the years , she has received a number of awards - for example , she ’ s been named Designer of the Year in Sweden by both FORM AWARD and EDIDA ( Elle Decoration International Design Award ).

Previous collections by Åsa

Make Up Venus Clam